WS1 UEM DB Important Tables

Each application uploaded to AirWatch would have its own row in the deviceApplication.Application table.  Each column contains specific attributes for that object.  For example, an application in the deviceApplication.Application table would have a column for Name, PackageID, LocationGroup, etc.

Device Management Tables

dbo.DeviceOperatingSystem: OS versions supported by AirWatch Console in current version

dbo.DeviceModelInfo: Device models (for Apple) or Android vendors supported by AirWatch Console in current version

User Management Tables

dbo.CoreUser: Admins – UserName, TimeZone, LastLogin, etc.

mobileManagement.EnrollmentUser: End users – UserName, LocationGroupID, DisplayName, UserPrincipleName, etc.

mobileManagement.CurrentDeviceEnrollmentUser: Ties enrolled devices to enrollment users

dbo.UserGroup: FriendlyName,DN,RootLocationGroupID, domain, etc

MAM Tables

deviceApplication.Application: Internal applications

deviceApplication.RecommendedExternalApplication: All things public application

deviceApplication.VPPLicensePool: SmartGroup, Allocated licenses, Redeemed licenses, etc.

deviceApplication.ApplicationGroup: For blacklists/whitelists/required lists of apps

smartGroup.SmartGroup: info about the Smart Group

smartGroup.AWEntitySmartGroupAssignmentMap: Maps a Smart Group to the App/Book that uses it for assignment

MEM Tables

mobileEmailGateway.MEMConfig Contains attributes related to the Email Configuration, including pre-7.1 sets of System Codes

mobileEmailGateway.MEMDevice Contains all the attributes for each device, whether managed or unmanaged

mobileEmailGateway.MEMDeviceActivity Contains the status and activity info for each device

mobileEmailGateway.MEMConfigProfile Contains associations between MEMConfig and EAS device profiles

mobileEmailGateway.MEMDeviceConfig Contains associations between MEMConfig and MEMDevice. When an enrolled device receives an EAS profile, MEMDevice will receive corresponding MEMConfig

mobileEmailGateway.MEMDeviceDiagnostic Contains diagnostics data for devices

mobileEmailGateway.{all the rest}  Email Policy configurations, such as attachment encryption or OS policies

MCM Tables

enterpriseContent.Content All settings pertaining to uploaded content – offlineViewing, allowEmail, Name, etc.

enterpriseContent.ContentRepository Details for repositories – Name, Link, AuthenticationUsername, User/Admin Repository

enterpriseContent.ContentMap Links DeviceID, EnrollmentUserID, and ContentVersionID

enterpriseContent.ContentVersion BlobID, Version, Size, Author, etc

MDM Tables

dbo.Device Device centric information – OS, Friendly Name, Serial Number, Phone Number, Enrollment Date, etc.


DeviceProfile.DeviceProfile Settings for profiles – Name, Description, DevicePlatformID, ProfileAssignmentTypeID, etc.

deviceProfile.DeviceProfileVersion Shows historic versions of a profile and their modified dates

deviceProfile.DeviceProfileDevicePool Maps devices to profiles and profileVersions

deviceProfile.deviceProfileSettingValue Maps actual profile settings to profileVersions


dbo.Plan Telecom plan details

dbo.PlanAssignmentRule Assignment rule details

dbo.CellCard Cellular details

MobileDataUsage, CellCardUsage Interrogator tables


DeviceComplianceStatus Compliance status of devices

Policy List of policies

Device Samples

ManagedAppList,ProfileListSample, SecurityInformationSample Interrogator tables


dbo.Report Info on all available reports

dbo.ReportSubscription Created subscriptions

Miscellaneous tables

dbo.Certificate Thumbprint, SubjectName, Validity Dates, etc.

dbo.LocationGroup OG info – LocationGroupID, Name, CreatedOn, CreatedBy, MDMSettingsInheritable

deviceCommandQueue.DeviceQueue / deviceQueueAudit Current commands queued / already executed commands for devices

dbo.SystemCode All settings and default values configurable in the AirWatch Console - Groups & Settings

EventLog.EventLog Where console Event Logs pull from

Example of deleting “wipe device” commands from Message Queue

This is needed in case of accidental mass wipe created as result of incorrect compliance policy etc.

SELECT * FROM deviceCommandQueue.DeviceQueue WHERE commandid = 10;
DELETE * FROM deviceCommandQueue.DeviceQueue WHERE commandid = 10;