Allowlist and Blacklist


Actions from Email dashboard:

  1. User selects device and clicks allowlist/ blocklist action
  2. Meg Queue Service sendsends allowlist/ blocklist powershell command to Exchange server appropriately 3. Meg Queue Service updates database to show your device status on email dashboard

Webconsole Log

Blocklist event:

After admin click Blocklist action for device, webconsole receives blocklist event for processing. Log prints device properties as described below:

MEMConfig - Email Settings used Device Count - Total number of devices blocklisted

Debug WanderingWiFi.AirWatch.BusinessImpl.MobileEmail.MobileEmailBusiness.PeristDeviceAccessStateChanged Received device access state change. MEMConfig: 48 Device Count: 1 935c3f93-3f33-49fb-b6c9-a07d0bcc8619

Event written to Microsoft Messaging Queue:

Webconsole writes blocklist event to Microsoft Messaging Queue. MEG Queue will read the queue and will process event.

Debug WanderingWiFi.AirWatch.BusinessImpl.MobileEmail.Util.DeviceStateChangeTypeMessageQueue.PersistGenericPayload Writing change device access state payload for LG '646' to queue: 'Name: AWSegCompliance, Protocol: Tcp, Address: .\Private$\, Encoding: Binary, QueueLocation: Local, BulkReadLimit: 1, ConnectionRetryCount: 3, ReadTimeout: -1, RetryInterval: 30, AutoCreate: False, ' 935c3f93-3f33-49fb-b6c9-a07d0bcc8619

MEG Que Log

Blocklist event received:

MEG Queue receives blocklist event for processing from webconsole. Device properties are printed in log identifying your device as shown below.

MemConfig Id - Email Settings used MEMDevice Id - Email Device Record Id number of devices - Total number of devices blocklisted EasDeviceIdentifier - Exchange Device ID User - Email user AccessLevel - Email access status Reasons - Reason for allow\block device Lg - Location Group ID Device Id - AirWatch device id

Debug AW.Meg.Queue.Service.Util.EndpointQueueManager._SplitByType Received 'DeviceAccessChangedPayload' message. MemConfig Id: '48', MEMDevice Id: '5744' 

Debug AW.Meg.Queue.Service.Util.EndpointQueueManager._ReceiveDeviceAccessChangedPayload Received 'DeviceAccessChangedPayload' message. MemConfigId: '48', number of devices: '1'.

Debug AW.Meg.Queue.Service.Processors.Office365DeviceAccessChangedProcessor.ProcessPayload Device access state changed. Device Id: '29'. Process ActiveSync command. Lg: '646', EasDeviceIdentifier: 'R4SQG79G556LPB3LFEVP66VO98', User: '', AccessLevel: 'Blocked', Reasons: Device is blacklisted: 29  

Debug WanderingWiFi.AirWatch.BusinessImpl.EnterpriseIntegrationHelper.SetBulkEasDeviceAccess BulkDeviceRequest - MemConfigId: 48, IsRunCompliance: False.

Powershell Admin details:

MEG Queue loads Powershell admin account details.

Debug WanderingWiFi.AirWatch.BusinessImpl.EnterpriseIntegrationHelper.DoSetBulkEasDeviceAccess Loading Exchange settings for MEMConfig: 48  

Debug WanderingWiFi.AirWatch.BusinessImpl.EnterpriseConfigurationProvider.LoadExchangeServiceConfiguration Loading exchange settings. MEMConfig: 48

Powershell Session creation:

MEG Queue creates powershell session to execute powershell command.

Debug AirWatch.CloudConnector.Common.PowerShell.SessionHelper.InitializeSession Initializing PowerShell session for Microsoft.Exchange @ PowerShell endpoint using Authentication type: Basic,  
User:, using service credentials: False, ViewEntireForest enabled: False  

Debug AirWatch.CloudConnector.Common.PowerShell.SessionHelper.InitializeSession Creating session for Microsoft.Exchange @ PowerShell endpoint using Authentication type: Basic, User:, using service credentials: False, ViewEntireForest enabled: False

Blocklisting device: MEQ Queue sends powershell block command to exchange so that email requests will be blocked.

Debug AirWatch.CloudConnector.Common.PowerShell.CommandHelper.SetActiveSyncDeviceIds Invoking command Set-CASMailbox -Identity '' -ActiveSyncBlockedDeviceIDs @{Add='R4SQG79G556LPB3LFEVP66VO98'} against the  

Powershell Session removal:

MEG Queue removes powershell session from memory.

Debug AirWatch.CloudConnector.Common.PowerShell.SessionHelper.InitializeSession PowerShell session successfully initialized for Microsoft.Exchange @ PowerShell endpoint using Authentication type: Basic,  
User:, using service credentials: False, ViewEntireForest enabled: False  

Debug AirWatch.CloudConnector.Common.PowerShell.SessionHelper.RemoveSession Removing session for Microsoft.Exchange @ PowerShell endpoint using Authentication type: Basic, User:, using service credentials: False, ViewEntireForest enabled: False

Database Update:

MEM Device Activity is saved to database so that Email List view reflects change.

Debug WanderingWiFi.AirWatch.ProviderImpl.MobileEmail.MobileEmailDataHandler.SaveMemDeviceActivitiesForPSRunCompliance() MEM Device Activity Saved Successfully... 1

Log files

aw.meg.queue.serviceblacklist.log weblogfile-blacklist.txt