
KlAkOAPI Python Package is a wrapper over the regular REST API calls. I do NOT recommend its’ usage, because it does not cover all classes, parameters and attributes available.


Config / Auth

Access with OpenAPI requires 2 auth elements:

  • Local technical user account login/password (Basic Auth method)
  • KSC Server certificate verification (optional)

For KSC for Windows, server certificate is located at path: %ProgramData%\KasperskyLab\adminkit\1093\cert\klserver.cer Certificate needs to be copied to the machine, from which a script is run.

Login example

REST API Classic login:

import requests
import base64
import json
import urllib3
from pprint import pprint


ksc_server = "https://ksmm.demo.local:13299"
url = ksc_server + "/api/v1.0/login"
user = "user_api"
password = "P@ssw0rd"
data = {}

user = base64.b64encode(user.encode('utf-8')).decode("utf-8")
password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8')).decode("utf-8")
session = requests.Session()

auth_headers = {
    'Authorization': 'KSCBasic user="' + user + '", pass="' + password + '", internal="1"',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

response =, headers=auth_headers, data=data, verify=False)
print(f'Server response = {response.status_code}')

KlAkOAPI Python Package Login:

import socket
import uuid
import datetime
from sys import platform
from KlAkOAPI.Params import KlAkArray, paramBinary, strToBin, dateTimeToStr
from KlAkOAPI.AdmServer import KlAkAdmServer

def GetServer():
    server_address = 'ksmm.demo.local'
    server_port = 13299
    server_url = 'https://' + server_address + ':' + str(server_port)
    username = 'user_api'
    password = 'P@ssw0rd'
    SSLVerifyCert = 'C:\\Lab\\klserver.cer'

    server = KlAkAdmServer.Create(server_url, username, password, verify = SSLVerifyCert)
    return server

# Call server login function:
server = GetServer()