GPS History Table
- GPS Poll Time Interval - X mins (configured in AirWatch Console, for example, in Android Agent settings)
- Data Transmit Interval - Y mins
Privacy settings for “GPS Data” needs to be set to Collect and Display for required device Ownership type.
The samples which are transmitted by the Agent as per the Y interval are all stored in the database in the dbo.GPSLog table. To see if any samples have been reported for your specific device, use the following query:
SELECT * from dbo.LogSample (nolock) ls
inner join dbo.GPSLog (nolock) gl
on ls.logsampleID = gl.logsampleid
WHERE deviceid = ####
Under device details > Location tab on console, not all location data points will be reported:
- Consecutive duplicate samples will not be reflected
Consecutive samples which are not at least 100 ft. apart will not be listed corresponding to the particular time-stamp as can be seen in the DB.
Insert GPS History directly
Copy GPS coordinates from one device to another:
select * from device where Name like '%User01%' --deviceID = 7
select * from device where Name like '%User02%' --deviceID = 52
Insert dbo.LogSample ([DeviceUid] , [IpAddress] ,[SampleTime],[TransmitTime] ,[DeviceID] )
--[LogSampleID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[DeviceUid] ,[IpAddress] ,[SampleTime],[TransmitTime] ,
52--[DeviceID] ,
from dbo.LogSample ls where deviceId = 7 and LogSampleID =8
select * from dbo.LogSample ls where deviceId = 52 --LogSampleID =9
Insert dbo.GPSLog ( [LogSampleID] ,[SampleTime],[Latitude] ,[Longitude] ,[Elevation] ,[Speed] ,
[Note] ,[LatitudeInternal] ,[LongitudeInternal] ,[ElevationInternal] , [SpeedInternal]
--, [RowVersion]
select 9 ,--[LogSampleID] ,
[SampleTime],[Latitude] ,[Longitude] , [Elevation] ,[Speed] ,[Note] ,[LatitudeInternal] ,[LongitudeInternal] , [ElevationInternal] ,
[SpeedInternal] --, [RowVersion]
from dbo.GPSLog gl where LogSampleID in (select LogSampleID from dbo.LogSample ls where deviceId = 7and LogSampleID =8)